Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fancy a visit to Isola dei Fiori? Reviewers wanted!

There is almost a month to go to the release of my new book, Marrying Cade.
I'd love this book to launch with a few reviews on Amazon on it's launch or, whatever is your Amazon...
So - with the earnest plea that you review it after reading, I'd like to offer five of my blog readers the chance to journey to the Tuscan Isle, Isola dei Fiori (between the pages!) before everyone else can get their hands on it!
Any takers? Send me an email using my 'contact me' in the sidebar, and a pdf will be winging its way to the first five!
p.s. Warning - spicy!


  1. Great idea, Sally! I'd love to read and review if you're still looking for people. :)

    Hope you're having a good weekend!
