Saturday, January 29, 2011

Embracing on Valentine's Day...


  1. Aren't they all so beautiful?

    Can't wait for the launch!


  2. Ooooooooooooh!

    Now that's a very very classy piece of work.

    So lovely - well done to all!

    Judy x

  3. Isn't it lovely? I want this printed up big for my office wall!!

  4. No need to pinch it, Rachel. It's coming to all Embrace authors as a jpg today, for you all to distribute around the internet on blogs and twitter etc.

    Can't wait for this launch. It's only TWO WEEKS away!

    This advert is going into the RNA magazine ROMANCE MATTERS, which is due out in March. So if you're a member of the RNA, you'll soon have this to drool over in print version too.

    And, to top everything, there's a brand-new Embbrace website coming soon ... !


  5. Wow, this is exciting, and on Valentines Day.

    I have to Mark it on my Calender so I don't forget. And being a day behind us, it will be the day after for Aussies. I think...that's right isn't it. Time Zones are not my forte. :)

    Suzanne :)

  6. Hi Suzanne! Yup, it's pretty inspired timing! (you and me both on the time zones, I always gets confused about them too!)
