Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fame at last!

I couldn't resist blogging about this picture that I saw yesterday on the news. I was having one of those mornings, you know the one. The 'plagued by self-doubt' ones. The big burst of activity that I'd had in November has slowed right down to a trickle during December, and what with one thing and another (Snow, family, apathy) I'd been finding it difficult to get back into my stride. I'd had a couple of successes, publication of a short story and a thorough re-do of Bound to Love, but my mojo was sulking. What to do next? My somewhat deflated self was beset by the usual demons... the 'what makes you think you can write anyway' one being top of the list.
I've been struggling with it and had it in a headlock, but it was kicking out viciously at my legs, in danger of toppling me. My three potential projects sat leering in the cheap seats, egging it on.
Project 1 - Go back to my NWS project, and whip it into shape. It correctly devined that it had the upper hand. I approached, armed with readers report and a clenched jaw, but the demon wasn't letting me go. Project 1 smirked.
Project 2 - My mystery completed during Nano had a complete cheering section in the back. All the characters whose demise would be imminent if I could just get a fist into the demon's face... They let out a cheer as I found myself on the ropes.
Project 3 - The hugely complicated mystery that I've been writing for years, its twisty, tangled plot hanging like dreadlocks around its medusa-like head. It faced me, sipping on a latte, knowing without full mojo involvement it was safe from completion.
I made it back into the corner, sat down on the seat, while mojo squirted water into my bloodied mouth, and mopped my brow with a towel.
"I could do with some help here." I wished I didn't sound such a wuss, mojo shrank back and smiled weakly.
"Have a look at the news."
She pushed the laptop across the bare boards, as demon did a victory dance in the opposite corner.
Would I ever get there? Would my name grace the spine of a book? Would Sandra Bullock be beating down my door, demanding to be cast as the fiesty heroine in Project 1?
I got my answer, shoved my gum shield back in and knocked the demon out as the audience quaked in fear in what was to come. Mojo grinned, and handed me a cube of chocolate from the monster sized bar she was chowing down on.
Here it is, guys...
And gosh, darn it, Sally Will.


  1. Great post, Sally! There is nothing as terrible as those voices...hear them, if they're there. Then tell them to F*ck off. :)

  2. You go, girl. Sally Will! Sally Will! Sally Will! *waving pom poms and performing gravity defying high kicks!*

  3. Hey, that's fantastic, Sally! I hate those demons. I have crows too. But I put my scarecrow up every so often and that seems to help. :-)

  4. You had me laughing with your post, Sally. It's great!

    And I have no doubt Sally Will. Now, get to it girl and bash those crows over the head with this cricket bat I'm sending you :-)

  5. Hi Suzanne! thanks for the cheer, Jackie, I'm right with you, and Jo, thanks for the bat, next time I'll be ready...

  6. Ha ha! What a great picture! I almost feel sorry for the crows now that we're bringing bats into it :) they don't stand a chance.

  7. I Absolutely LOVE that more than you know!?!?!? That is a sign from the Gods on high!!
    You keep on keeping on - Sally - Hollywood's calling to you, Kristi

  8. Congratulations Sally! LOL. It's hard to keep going on the discipline of writing, I know myself, I sometimes wake wondering what AM I doing with this whole writing business? But, hey I love it, as I'm sure you do:) Knock those demons on the head..good luck! Olive

  9. Hi Sally,
    I enjoyed this post very much, and the sign Sallywood put a smile on my face. Push those demons aside, stick with it. It's the ones that give up, they will never succeed, the ones who keep going will. :)

    Suzanne :)

  10. You nailed it. Another day in the life of a writer. Thanks for the smile.

  11. Hi Sally! I’ve given you an award on my blog :)

  12. Hi there everyone. I've been back in the editing cave (more later!) Thanks for all the cheer! Lacey, how lovely to give me an award. Off to have a look now...
